Women Bike Chicago is teaming up with Dash Me for a fun event: a clothing swap and social get-together.
Never been to a swap? Here's how it works: bring your clothes in good condition- the things that don't fit or you just have not worn and don't plan to wear. They can be tops, jeans, dresses, skirts, sweaters - also shoes, jewelry and accessories - and leave with other clothes that are new-to-you.
While you are browsing, chat and network with other women who bike, and enjoy some snacks, because what WBC event would not have snacks?
Note, this is not about bike Lycra and racing kits. It is, however, a chance to refresh your wardrobe while saving money and the planet.
The event will be Saturday October 24, from 3-5 PM.
For more details, visit http://www.dashmeswap.com/
To RSVP, click here fallswap2015.eventbrite.com

Photo: Adaeze Okorafor